اسماء الافعال المنقولة

In Arabic grammar, اسماء الافعال المنقولة (transferred verbs) are a class of nouns that are derived from verbs and retain their verbal meaning. They are also known as masdars (infinitives) or verbal nouns. اسماء الافعال المنقولة are used to express the infinitive form of a verb, as well as its verbal noun form. They can be used in a variety of grammatical constructions, including as the subject, object, or complement of a sentence.

Types of اسماء الافعال المنقولة

There are two main types of اسماء الافعال المنقولة:

Simple اسماء الافعال المنقولة: These are formed by adding the prefix “أ” or “ت” to the root of a verb. For example, the verb “كتب” (to write) can be converted into the simple اسماء الافعال المنقولة “أكتب” (writing) or “تكتب” (writing).

Compound اسماء الافعال المنقولة: These are formed by combining a verb with a noun or adjective. For example, the verb “قرأ” (to read) can be combined with the noun “كتاب” (book) to form the compound اسماء الافعال المنقولة “القراءة” (reading).

Uses of اسماء الافعال المنقولة

اسماء الافعال المنقولة are used in a variety of grammatical constructions, including:

As the subject of a sentence: For example, the sentence “القراءة مفيدة” (reading is beneficial) uses the اسماء الافعال المنقولة “القراءة” as the subject.

As the object of a sentence: For example, the sentence “أحب القراءة” (I love reading) uses the اسماء الافعال المنقولة “القراءة” as the object.

As the complement of a sentence: For example, the sentence “أنا قارئ” (I am a reader) uses the اسماء الافعال المنقولة “قارئ” as the complement.

Formation of اسماء الافعال المنقولة

The formation of اسماء الافعال المنقولة depends on the type of verb.

For simple verbs:

Verbs with a sound root: Add the prefix “أ” or “ت” to the root of the verb.

Verbs with a weak root: Add the prefix “أ” or “ت” to the first consonant of the root and double the second consonant.

For compound verbs:

Combine the verb with a noun or adjective.

Add the prefix “أ” or “ت” to the resulting word.

Use of اسماء الافعال المنقولة in Sentences

اسماء الافعال المنقولة can be used in a variety of sentences, including:

As the subject of a sentence:

القراءة مفيدة. (Reading is beneficial.)

المشي رياضة ممتعة. (Walking is an enjoyable exercise.)

As the object of a sentence:

أحب القراءة. (I love reading.)

أستمتع بالمشي. (I enjoy walking.)

As the complement of a sentence:

أنا قارئ. (I am a reader.)

أنا كاتب. (I am a writer.)


اسماء الافعال المنقولة are a versatile and important part of Arabic grammar. They can be used in a variety of grammatical constructions to express the infinitive form of a verb, as well as its verbal noun form. By understanding the different types of اسماء الافعال المنقولة and how they are used, learners of Arabic can improve their ability to communicate effectively in the language.

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