بسبوسه محشيه بالقشطه

بسبوسه محشيه بالقشطه


بسبوسه محشيه بالقشطه, also known as stuffed basbousa, is a popular Egyptian dessert that combines the flavors of semolina, coconut, and creamy custard in a delectable treat. This article delves into the rich history, unique characteristics, and step-by-step preparation of this scrumptious dessert.

1. A Culinary Journey Through Time:

– بسبوسه محشيه بالقشطه has its roots in ancient Egypt, where it was a symbol of hospitality and generosity.

– The dessert is widely enjoyed in Egypt and other parts of the Middle East, where it holds a special place in celebrations and family gatherings.

– With its distinct taste and texture, بسبوسه محشيه بالقشطه has become a beloved dessert that reflects the culinary heritage of the region.

2. Unveiling the Ingredients:

– The primary component of بسبوسه محشيه بالقشطه is semolina, a coarse flour made from durum wheat.

– Other essential ingredients include sugar, coconut, butter, milk, and eggs.

– The creamy custard filling, known as “qishta” in Arabic, is a blend of milk, cream, sugar, and cornstarch.

3. Crafting the Semolina Layer:

– In a large bowl, combine semolina, sugar, coconut, and melted butter.

– Using your fingertips, work the ingredients together until they resemble coarse crumbs.

– Press the semolina mixture into a greased baking pan, creating a firm and even base.

4. Preparing the Creamy Custard Filling:

– In a saucepan, bring milk, cream, sugar, and cornstarch to a simmer over medium heat.

– Stir continuously until the mixture thickens and resembles a smooth custard.

– Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly before incorporating it into the semolina layer.

5. Baking and Achieving Perfection:

– Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C).

– Pour the prepared custard filling evenly over the semolina base.

– Bake the بسبوسه محشيه بالقشطه for approximately 45 minutes or until the top is golden brown and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.

6. Enhancing the Flavor with Syrup:

– While the بسبوسه محشيه بالقشطه is still warm, prepare a simple syrup by combining sugar and water in a saucepan.

– Bring the syrup to a simmer until it thickens slightly.

– Pour the syrup over the baked dessert, allowing it to soak in and intensify the flavors.

7. Serving and Garnishing:

– Allow the بسبوسه محشيه بالقشطه to cool completely before cutting it into diamond-shaped pieces.

– Garnish with chopped nuts, such as pistachios or almonds, for an added touch of texture and flavor.

– Serve the dessert chilled or at room temperature, accompanied by a cup of Arabic coffee or tea.


بسبوسه محشيه بالقشطه is a delectable dessert that showcases the culinary artistry of Egypt. With its fusion of semolina, coconut, and creamy custard, this dessert captivates taste buds and leaves a lasting impression. Whether enjoyed as a special treat or shared during festive occasions, بسبوسه محشيه بالقشطه embodies the essence of Egyptian hospitality and culinary excellence.

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