دعاء الفطار

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During the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims observe a daily fast from dawn to sunset. As the sun sets, Muslims break their fast with a meal known as iftar, which holds immense spiritual and communal significance. Accompanying this meal is a special supplication, referred to as دعاء الفطار, that is recited to express gratitude to Allah (SWT) for the sustenance and blessings bestowed upon us. This article delves into the meaning, significance, and proper etiquette of دعاء الفطار, providing a comprehensive guide for Muslims seeking to enrich their Ramadan experience.

1. Meaning of دعاء الفطار:

دعاء الفطار, literally translated as the “supplication of breaking fast,” is a heartfelt prayer recited by Muslims upon breaking their fast during Ramadan. It is a form of dhikr (remembrance of Allah) and an expression of gratitude for the blessing of being able to fast and the sustenance provided by Allah (SWT). The supplication acknowledges Allah’s (SWT) mercy and forgiveness and seeks His acceptance of the fast and all acts of worship performed during the day.

2. Significance of دعاء الفطار:

– Spiritual Connection: Reciting دعاء الفطار is an act of worship that strengthens one’s relationship with Allah (SWT). It serves as an acknowledgment of His sovereignty and abundance and expresses sincere gratitude for the blessings of life, health, and sustenance.

– Acceptance of Fast: The supplication is believed to contribute to the acceptance of one’s fast by Allah (SWT). By expressing thankfulness and seeking forgiveness, it is believed that the reward for the fast is increased, and the individual is more likely to receive Allah’s (SWT) blessings.

– Community Bonding: Reciting دعاء الفطار collectively with family, friends, or within a community fosters a sense of togetherness and unity. It is a shared moment of reflection, gratitude, and supplication, strengthening the bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood among Muslims.

3. Etiquette and Conditions for Reciting دعاء الفطار:

– Timing: The دعاء الفطار is typically recited immediately after breaking the fast with a date or a sip of water. It is recommended to recite the supplication before consuming a full meal.

– Intention: Before reciting the دعاء الفطار, it is important to set the intention to seek Allah’s (SWT) acceptance of the fast and to express gratitude for the blessings received.

– Posture and Adab: It is recommended to face the Qiblah (direction of the Kaaba in Makkah) while reciting the supplication. Recite the prayer with humility, sincerity, and a raised voice, ensuring that it is audible to oneself.

4. Common Variations of دعاء الفطار:

There are various narrations and variations of دعاء الفطار attributed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Some of the most common variations include:

– Short Supplication: “ذهب الظمأ وابتلت العروق وثبت الأجر إن شاء الله” (The thirst has gone, the veins are moistened, and the reward, God willing, is confirmed).

– Extended Supplication: “اللهم لك صمت وعلى رزقك أفطرت فتقبل مني إنك أنت السميع العليم” (O Allah, for You I fasted, and with Your sustenance, I break my fast. Accept from me, for You are the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing).

– Comprehensive Supplication: “اللهم لك صمت اليوم واتقيت وعملت وما توفيقي إلا بك أسألك من فضلك وإحسانك أن تقبلني وأن تجعلني من الصابرين إنك أنت السميع العليم” (O Allah, for You I fasted today, and I protected myself and did good deeds. My success comes only from You, and I ask You from Your favor and Your kindness that You accept me and make me among the patient. You are the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing).

5. Benefits of Reciting دعاء الفطار:

– Spiritual Elevation: Reciting دعاء الفطار with sincerity and devotion can uplift one’s spiritual state, providing a sense of inner peace, contentment, and closeness to Allah (SWT).

– Blessings and Rewards: It is believed that reciting دعاء الفطار consistently during Ramadan brings blessings and rewards from Allah (SWT). It is seen as an act of ibadah (worship) and a means of earning Allah’s (SWT) favor.

– Manifestation of Gratitude: Expressing gratitude through دعاء الفطار is a powerful way to acknowledge Allah’s (SWT) countless blessings and to demonstrate one’s appreciation for the gifts of life and sustenance.

6. Recommended Practices to Accompany دعاء الفطار:

To enhance the spiritual significance of دعاء الفطار, consider incorporating additional practices:

– Collective Supplication: Encourage family members, friends, or fellow community members to recite دعاء الفطار together, fostering a communal sense of gratitude and unity.

– Make Dua: After reciting دعاء الفطار, take a moment to make personal supplications and seek Allah’s (SWT) guidance, forgiveness, and blessings.

– Reflection and Repentance: Utilize the moment following دعاء الفطار to reflect on the day’s actions, seek forgiveness for shortcomings, and renew one’s intention for continued spiritual growth.


دعاء الفطار is an integral part of the Ramadan experience, offering Muslims a chance to express gratitude, seek Allah’s (SWT) acceptance of their fast, and strengthen their relationship with Him. Reciting this supplication with sincerity, devotion, and proper etiquette can bring spiritual elevation, blessings, and rewards. By incorporating it as a consistent practice during Ramadan, Muslims can enhance their spiritual journey and deepen their connection with Allah (SWT). May we all be guided to recite دعاء الفطار with heartfelt gratitude and devotion, seeking His blessings and acceptance.

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